Pokemon The Wooper Who Saved Christmas - 2016


Download Patched Pokemon: The Wooper Who Saved Christmas Holiday Hack Rom

Latest version- Beta 3

Updated on- October 14 2016

pokemon holiday hack wooper who saved christmas cover


OneDrive (Not available yet)
Google Drive (Not available yet)


Name: Pokemon Holidays Hacks: Christmas- The Wooper who Saved Christmas
Hack of: Fire Red
Language: English
Creator: Joexv
Status: In bug fix queue; Ending unfinished
Related: Pokemon Holiday Hacks Series


One fateful Christmas night, a Wooper was getting ready for Santa's arrival. As Santa was leaving his trustworthy Delibird was kidnapped by a man dressed all in black! Now its up to you to save him! Play as the legendary Wooper who saved Christmas during the times of the Pokemon war!


  • A nuzlocke hack
  • Portable healing stations
  • Very few trainers
  • A naughty/nice system
  • 2 endings (incomplete)
  • Your Pokemon die after they faint
  • Lots of hidden items and money to make up for lack of trainers


Joexv, Blazikenxy, Trenjoh, TheRalOCD, Fbi, WeselyFG



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