Download Patched Pokemon Touhoumon Tweaked Rom
Version: v2.5 March 28, 2017 update
Updated: April 4, 2017

Name: Pokemon Touhoumon Tweaked
Type: GBA
Hack of: Fire Red
Language: English
Creator: SoundsLikeATornado
This hack is intended to be two things. First, a spiritual successor to touhoumon emerald AE's "1.5-styled evolutions in a 1.8-styled typings" deal. The other was to have a hack to help newer players bridge the gap between the 1.5-based hacks, and the 1.8-based hacks/fangames. As such, it also features the 1.5 evolutions/1.8 typings system that AE had. Although in this case, I've also brought over the Physical/special split and most of the moves from 1.8 as well. Now is there any reason to play this hack if you DO know 1.8 inside-and-out? Not really, since there aren't really any game-changing alterations to kanto or to the touhoumons, but if you want a change of pace, feel free to give this hack a shot.
- Alternate evolutions
- Starters are mostly 1.5 ones
- The scripts have been edited heavily
- Wind, Fairy and Dragon types added to the 1.8 chart
- New gym leaders
- New puppets
- Tasteful difficulty
- Reusable TMs

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