Walkthrough Pokemon Cloud White GBA ROM PART III


Walkthrough Pokemon Cloud White GBA ROM PART-III


You can finally reach the mountain and Indigo Blizzaville.
In this city, you will find a General Date Hiromune who tells you he wants you to delay the ascension to Masamune to finish his plan.
You break the figure in general and the others are dealing with samurai minions.
Once beaten, the city is captured, and the way to the top is unlocked.
Then commits the ultimate arc .
You get to the top and see Masamune Date Against Shogun .
and Dialga! The seven samurais are also there.
Date attacks six samurais and they are no longer able to fight.
The problem is that you are also affected! Fortunately, Dragon arrives (see below).
Dragon will be found in the final story arc when fighting against Dialga.
He will protect Dialga, but Peter arrives and then takes the opportunity to involve his father.
They will be destroyed by an attack of Masamune which will make Dialga angry because Peter and the whole story will be revealed to him.
Then undertakes an intense fight between Peter and Date.
Peter cannot fight but thankfully this has left you time to recover and you're ready to face date.
This time you are beaten.
Date fought and has more Pokemon.
He was about to play but Shogun takes the sword and a duel starts.
A flash and the two men are defeated !!! ShinGoku is coming to get between the two.
It's over and you are teleported.
It appears that you are teleported one week later.
Marowak cemetery: a ceremony held in honor of the Dragon and Shogun and Samurai presence, etc .
It gives you the Genesis bay.
* Access possible after completing all previous chapters + Completion of Chapter XIII and captured all the cities.


Opal Cave City (Opal Cave) appears at north and you can cross it (little cave).
On leaving, you have a road that follows the river and a cable car that takes you up a mountain.
You find yourself at the edge of a village.
On the side is a road that climbs around the village and that can happen to a mountain refuge or is Shingoku.
You will find it and asks you to do "what needs to be done outside.
" You go out, it starts to rain, and you battle to avenge Shogun and he agrees to do the "harakiri" (basically it releases its pokemons he does not suicide eh!).
He says that now he will return to his farm to live in total disgrace but thanks you for your surprise.

CHAPTER XIII (alternative story) : DRAGON

Kyogre-Sur-Mer: You meet Peter who tells you that the board 4 disapprove of what you’ve made but turn a blind eye if you find one that is called "Dragon".
It does not tell you over and disappears.
Dragon is at Anchwatt Lake and only appears after the argument with Peter.
This man knows who you are and says he knows who sent you and why you are there.
He challenges you without explanation.
You fight the Dragon and then Peter appears.
An altercation occurs between the two men.
But dragon fled and Peter is enraged.
He swears he will find that this time and no one will block his way.
"Maybe Cecil can help me?," said Peter.
Cecil is at Gyarados Lake and gives you information on Dragon: Dragon Clan was at the head of dracologues Blackthorn City.
Through him we find Sandra.
Cecil was her father, she said.
Cecil says that they are the three survivors of the Dragon massacre by orchestra as Cecil's brother Peter Dragon and is the son of Dragon.
He adds that because of the massacre, some desired dracologues overthrow the clan and form an alliance that would aim to control the legendary Dragons.
Dragon happens to destroy the clan.
Obviously Peter does not know as to Cecil swore he did not say anything to Peter.
"CONQUEST" PART: This section aims to undo the garrisons of general and samurai who control the cities.
Some cities have not yet been made but do not fear, the game is still finishable.
Kyogre Sur Mer : At the Emerald route, a man said to be scoping mission for the Alpha team.
Alpha team is only a section of mercenaries who joined the clan Date in order to get the beef.
In exchange, they conduct exploration missions.
The leader of this h3ision is Omicron.
You battle with Kyogre and Sea.
It is at the Emerald Route where the guys faced.
He explains everything that has been said.
Once defeated, the city is released.
Bulbibourg : meeting with the four brothers and Rocket unites.
They attempt to burn the village but you prevent them.
Central Dynavolt : 4 Rockets brothers (second meeting).
You surprise them inside and they challenge you.
After their defeat, they go and say it is not over yet .
Caratroc : Nothing yet, it is a place full of mystery and no one knows who put the stones on the ground.
Tourists faced around the site SYSTEM FOR UPGRADING CERTAIN SPECIAL POKEMON Glaceon and Leafeon in the future ??? Regiville : you find Kikuchiyo Date surrounded to capture him.
You learn that Kikuchiyo was there to capture the city but some of them were soldiers by surprise.
You came to his aid and beat 2 Samurais.
The third fled.
The city is captured.
Roitiville : the city is deserted.
Max is present.
He says he finds it suspicious.
Inside one of the houses are hidden troops.
They take you by surprise when you come into the house and attack you.
You take care of the general and deal with henchmen.
After the match, the characters reappear in the village.
Yveltal - le haut : there is a training area where samurais are training.
You are "disturbing" them and the village is conquered.
The general is Hisamune date.
In the end, your Altaria air card is updated.
Deopolis : A group of biker opposes Date Garrison.
You help and relieve the city.
One of the bikers thanks you and agreed to join your troops.
He appears at the capital.
There is also a shopping center.
Carmache sur Mer : Battle on the bridge.
A soldier fighting flopped, you battle your way to the heart of the battle (some are scripted to attack, so be careful) and at the heart of the battle you find Tokugawa ailing against General Date Shuyu.
Fortunately, you intervene and after your victory it seems that a great battle has been won.
At the end, your pass ferry is updated.
Great battles have a flag that update some crap NPCs.
Hypo-Le-Roi : is two generals Date are brothers Tomomune and Fujiwara.
The first is at the top of the lighthouse and the Kingdra second in the building is the headquarters of Lapras Ferry rating.
If you beat them you conquer the corn.
The seven samurais thank you because it is a major strategic maritime position.
This updates the available objects Hdv in the capital.
Etourville : it tells the story of the cemetery and the Battle On Marowak.
Max explains that the cemetery: Clan Shogun is denied access by the Date clan and that it is the general Date Yoshimura.
If you beat him, the village is free.
Your ferry pass is updated.
Majaspic-Le-Haut : a castle where you can challenge the general Date Muneto that controls the city.
Bastiodon mine is closed until after the capital and access is possible.
You and the seven samurais (all) cast an infiltration attack in the mine because there would be a secret lab in this abandoned mine.
You fight the different minions guarding then get to the secret room but you need to go through a maze.
You then discover with amazement that this lab develops false berries trying to imitate their power to strengthen the army.
You fight scientists and the head of the lab (the guy from the island 5?).
They realize and accept to work for you (posting message in a mart in your capital to sell the few products).
But soon after you receive a call on your Pokegear, "I know who you are .
This is actually Masamune Date in person but you do not know it yet.
When Date arrives on the battlefield there is always a mist that rises.
Hypocean : This frame is a former samurai Date who is in the city.
You are trying to find him.
When you find him, he takes you to one of the Dates and he challenges you.
You beat and they understand that you are nice.
He agrees to help you and joins your troops at the capital as a healer in the pokehospital.
(Massage happiness?).
If you go to Lamperoie or to Remoraid sur Mer, you have to cross the desert of Flygon.
The 2 villagers are with some garrison units and one of them wants to fight to become general, however he loses and understands that this war has no sense.
These two samurais are released.
Passerouge-Sur-Corayon : blocks access to the mountain but not the bike path or to the airport.
This city is controlled by general Tanemune Date.
There are garrisons on the bike path.
Your mission is to defeat the garrisons to free the bike path.
Starting with the control station where the general location is accessible, released before the door is one of the seven samurais (Max) who tells you they released access.
You go and before you confront, he remains surprised that you're just a kid, he challenges you and humiliate you while two (kojiro and musashi) of the seven samurais do the rest.
After the fight, the general information is revealed.
Then he disappears.
Your Air Altaria Pass is updated.


This extension takes place in Johto.
You can start it when you become the new emperor of Mangan.
These quest are not connected or only partially.
To start a quest, go to Kairyu Tower in Mangan City.

Peter has a query.
He wants you to assess for himself the new league, Johto.
He explains that to be more competitive compared to Kanto, teams of champions reworked.
He wishes you and your rival (we'll call Blue) to test for him the arenas (8 in number).
Blue is also present.
He will challenge you along your way.
Reward: Villa + Super Sweet Trophy in the city of Johto + all the gifts sent by the Gym leader.

Cynthia accompanies Chen who informs you that strange things are happening in Johto.
Cynthia explains that many Pokemons in the region, legendary, have been seen in the area suddenly.
Chen was contacted by Cynthia to be able to learn about the behavior of Pokémon and he did not answer.
In addition, he works at the tower and never saw any strange element.
Added to this, she has heard from informants that members of the Saturn/Galactic Team went to the area.
Strange coincidence.
Chen, therefore, asks you to head to his counterpart, Prof.
You go there.
Elm is accompanied by Gold.
We remain in the same quest but the goal is new.
Now Elm told you the latest info that a crescent-shaped Pokemon would be installed in the Tower Sprut.
You go there.
On the way, you will find the master berries, but also the home of the guide.
He wrote various books (on the legendary Gold + the new transport system + on safari).
Upon arrival to Tower Sprut is Silver with Gold and both discuss what they have seen: the members of the team Rocket! They do not understand.
Silver is present (make sure that we do not already meet).
He says he will help you punish the Team Rocket.
You climb and battle Rocket grunts.
At the top is a mysterious Pokémon : Cresselia.
But also old friends: Venus, Rocket, and brothers! You link with a pause between the 2 groups.
However, you observe between the two helpless Venus and Cresselia that they are controlled by a strange object.
You battle and win.
Silver took the opportunity to capture the Pokémon and give you because for him it was you who alone managed the situation.
You come out .
and Chen Elm + Silver + Gold are there.
You explain the situation.
End of the Quest.
Reward: Cresselia + Unlock the quest "The HERISSON"

This quest starts when you go talk to Cynthia at Slowpoke Well in Azalea.
You tell her what happened.
She explains that in her view, a union between Team Rocket and Team Galactic are trying to attract the legendary Pokemon in the same area to capture them more easily.
She added that in her opinion, the legendary Shaymin would be in the forest to the west.
According to her, you must capture before bad people will do it.
You go there, But surprise !!! The Saturn Team is already there! And it's not Venus which is open but other members.
At one point, they manage to capture you and teleport in a house (in Goldenrod City).
You wake up and they are about to ask you but then your friends come : Cynthia and Ash.
Ash said that Chen asked him to help you in your mission as it might be longer and more complex than expected.
He occupies one of the admins and you take care of the boss.
You recover Shaymin.
To congratulate you, Ash gives you the Metro map.
Cynthia decides she must return the Pokémon to you.
End of the Quest.
Reward: unlocks the Metro + Shaymin + Unlock the quest "THE LAME"

This quest is at the west of the farm MooMoo on a new map.
To enable it, you must go to Kairyu.
Oak / Chen, who throws you the mission, said the legendary Pokémon Keldeo would be in an area close to the MooMoo farm.
He would dream of being able to study it because it has the ability to change shape.
But it is a dangerous area and marshy.
Therefore he can not venture there himself.
He asks you to get there.
You go there, but a farmer blocks access because he is lying on the ground.
Indeed, four men would be presented and would have wanted to cross his fields but the farmer is away and they then rushed shots as a revenge.
He will not move if you do not bring him magic herbs and asks you to go to recover Cianwood City.
You go there and surprise! You find your friends and the Saturn / Galactic Team! It is this terrible coincidence which allows you to kick their ass! You benefit to get the medication.
Another surprise: You back out and Ash, Gold, and Silver are there and they are furious because they had ruined their trail! You summarized their side of the situation Meumeu.
They then think that two teams trying a shot at the same time you can not be present on both fronts simultaneously.
Ash goes to the MooMoo farm while Silver and Gold tries to find the trail of the enemies.
You give the cure for the old and he frees access.
You progress but grunts bother you the way as usual .
Deep in thes, Ash is surrounded by the Rockets.
He cannot fight at all and you come to his aid.
After having beaten all, Keldeo is released and turns to you and you see it come to you to get caught.
You understand that he was drugged and you enjoy taking him to Chen.
Immediately after, an earthquake and a sound! Silver think it comes from a whirlpool .
You know your next destination.
Reward: Keldeo + Unlock the quest "THE DROP OF WATER"

At the whirlpool place, you face Saturn and break his *****.
After the cave, you get Manaphy.
You come out (you find your 3 friends Ash, Silver, and Gold) and suddenly a violent earthquake occurs, the snow begins to fall, and freezing cold occurs.
Palkia has changed the alignment and orientation of the planets! The beginning of the end starts!!! Reward: + Manaphy unlock the quest "SNOW" 

Gold is contacted directly via his Pokegear by Cynthia.
She asks everyone to go to the Goldenrod City Radio Tower immediately.
You go there and at the first floor, Cynthia and Chen / Oak are there.
They confirm that the bad guys use the radio, but they were disguised as employees during that time.
Beat them all! The Rockets are beaten, abandoned, and are arrested by the police.
Others flee to Ecruteak City.
At the Tin Tower in Ecruteak City and on top of it, Palkia invests the scene for the occasion.
You battle it and once captured, the bad guys arrive.
But it is too late for them and they fail! Thus, ending this quest.

It was Dr.
Fuji and Blaine, who give you the quest to Kairyu Tower.
They tell you they formerly worked in the Cinnabar Island mansion to do research on Mewtwo.
They explain that some men had left the project along the way to try their hand in another lab.
Blaine sought to find the lab but failed.
They ask you to find it for them and then destroy all materials therein to prevent a potentially new project to be revived in the future.
The lab is located in a hidden cave at the middle of Lake of Rage.
Once found, you enter into a huge laboratory where.
Rockets are! You discover that the lab has never stopped working and you have to fight all of these scientists and Rockets.
At the end is the project leader "Mewtwo 2.
You fight it (it is not very strong) but he decides to use his unusual candies for Mewtwo to evolve into a completely new form! You rematch and win again.
You then try to capture Mewtwo, but he fled .
You get the documents and read.
One of them says that they have created the Mewtwonite but Mewtwo could also evolve through experience.
You destroy the documents.
Go back to Tower Kairyu to receive some of your rewards.
Reward: Mewtwo appears on a small island between Olivine and Goldenrod City.
Lvl 80, not Mega evolved.
Blaine and Dr.
Fuji give you boost items (pp up * 5) * Mewtwo evolves to Mewtwo Y at lvl 90.

Available only after completing the archipelago Azur! Cecil asks you to go to Dragonite Tower / Tower Kairyu to do him a favor.
He explains that in the will of the Dragon, it says "I wish the clan will reborn from the ashes.
" He then explains to have understood that, contrary to what he thought, Dragon did not destroy the clan because he wished for the clan and under the pretext that there would be traitors within the clan, but on the contrary, he wanted the Dragon clan to continue, and he destroyed his clan only to protect him and he made sure that he never went off.
But his son, Peter / Lance has never understood that.
He then asks you to reform the clan.
For this, he asks you to go to Dragon's Den, the mark of the clan and solve the mystery of the front door (it would be a door & you should speak draconic language).
This door would offer you access to a room, but the front door is Sandra, the daughter of Cecil.
It opposes cursing as only a true draconnier has the right to do so and she confronts you.
After your victory, she lets you pass.
She turns and speaks draconic, imitating a cry of a Pokémon and then you hear the door open and .
you meet Reshiram! The Pokémon wakes up and is ready to challenge you, but that moment arises Peter throwing a Master Ball and captures the beast.
He knows what you're up to and certainly do not want the return of the clan.
Even less by an illegitimate inh3idual with whom he had confidence.
He feels betrayed and attack you with the recently captured dragon.
At the end of the battle, Cecil arrives and trade extensively with both of you.
Peter recognizes his errors, he finally understands what his father had wanted.
He kneels before you and gives you the Master Ball containing Reshiram.
The clan is reborn from the ashes .
Reward: Reshiram + unlock the quest "The Dragon Duo"

Cecil launches the quest to the "House of the Dragon" in Blackthorn City.
He explains that Reshiram is the member of the Dragon Duo.
The second lies at Mt.
We must go there and capture it.
Why? >>> Because some people are afraid of the clan, and they will try to crush you.
To establish your authority, you need to capture him.
Then a mysterious man popped into the house: He does not show but Cecil is shocked and lets out a "Shin .
!" The man speaks with Cecil and said: "It's been is it not?" Cecil: "How can you be alive?!?" Shin .
: "You really think he could have Ahahaha And it is that ???!" Cecil: "He's [Player], it was he who killed the Dragon .
and who just reborn the clan.
" Shin: "W-What ?? !!?" Shinryu : "Listen to me both of you: 10 days! In 10 days, the clan will be destroyed .
Definitely !!!.
" He disappears.
You demand an explanation.
Cecil explains that he is called Shinryu.
He is the chief of Clan Mutineers Acessoirement Date and he was the best friend of the Dragon.
Cecil thought the Dragon was killed but were feeling due to take over.
You must arrange an appointment at Mount Silver but .
Surprise! Shinryu knew you would come.
Peter is waiting at the mountain and says Cecil asked him to help.
He disappears.
You face all the henchmen present in the mountain to reach the summit.
There are Peter and Shinryu.
The first is in very poor condition.
Shinryu confronts you and you beat him.
The ultimate rebellion is destroyed and Zekrom is released.
You get it back.
Final blah.
Reward: Zekrom + title clan chief in the villa + Johto trophy 


FINAL CHAPTER OF THE ENTIRE GAME : "REBIRTH" This chapter is only available after completing all the 22 chapters of the game.
It will take place in Johto, more exactly in a new area.
Shogun starts the quest at Kairyu Tower.
The denouement of the story takes place in a secret city, Lotus City, former home port of the Shogunate on the continent.

This city is located south of the mountains, west of Johto, north of the Safari Zone.
It is also the only way to access the area.
In fact, you must go to the Safari Zone.
You will find at the entrance of the park : a house where you can see it conceals a path.
You go in the house and a man blocks the way.
He asks you this question: "What is the color of the Henry IV Yellow Rapidash, is it pink?" Say "yes" and the man lets you pass.
Taking up the summary of the history of the city (told by the lcoals).
One day, ninjas rebelled and recovered the city.
Today, a tyrant controls the city and imposes an isolated dictatorship.
This city is cut off from the world and sink into poverty.
Your goal: to free the population that knows nothing of the outside world and consider you an enemy of their supreme leader, the ninja Sarutobi.
Your enemies are ninjas.
The city consists of "ninja houses".
Each house is a clan.
You will have to convince their masters to preach the gospel and encourage them to revolt.
Once all are assembled, an assault is launched to the castle and breaks the ***** of everyone including the supreme leader.
But he fled to the mountains.
A house will be available for sale, as well as special products : Only once the city is united under your name.
A reward awaits: 10 pp up + 10 + 5 * super candies each capsules.
A mountain road at the north is released with a temple at the end and in between a road (road blossom) and village (Blossom Town).
Nothing special in this place.
In the temple are the last soldiers of the supreme leader.
You arrive and fight in a cave hidden behind a door of the temple.
There is the leader.
He tells you that his village, he can never get it back now.
And he knew your presence at the village just before arrival.
He explains that men claiming as Galactic Team were defeated.
You had announced him the bad omen and concluded a deal with him.
They protect him and he offers his legendary Pokémon (Palkia) in exchange for which he holds you and draws you in that cave for you to capture.
They catch you and knock you just before they show you.
They will make you lose your memory and they will take you as a hostage.
Bill and Chen recover your Pokémon, and they are already in the possession of a black hole.
You lose your memory and all your Pokémon are released.

* The wicked see it as a perfect opportunity to try their luck and grow without end in their way.



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