Walkthrough Pokemon Cloud White GBA ROM PART II


Walkthrough Pokemon Cloud White GBA ROM PART-II


The game is a continuation of Fire Red. In other words, you follow the original story of Pokemon Fire red. However, after the Sevii Islands, a new story begins for your hero (In this document it will be named "Red"). New evil team and some legendary Pokémons are going to change totally the main storylines. So let's go together to the fabulous world of Pokémon Cloud White! 

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We pass on the cliff road west of Bauxiville. You can see the Tanko waterfall. Brock challenge you right next to the falls. He offers his mega gem.

Even more to the west, the emerald forest where we find Blue at the lakeside. He cannot find any clue to the team rocket and wants to challenge you because he does not understand how he could be humiliated in his last fight. He loses and you get a bus card.

Go see also houses pines: a man teaches you the ultimate techniques.

Still further west, Steel city: Brendan is there and prevents you from going to the steam cave/Vapor Grotto. He tells you that the bridge is open to the south. At the town, Koga offers his mega gem. Several buildings: A Casino (Casino Miaouss) A combat restaurant, a theater (Pichu'Show Stadium) and a luxury hotel (Grand Hotel Snorlax).

The Team Rocket is in the hotel ... to welcome the return of Giovanni !!! While spying, you discover that CLOUD: The plan is to attract Kyogre and Groudon to unleash Rayquaza which comes from the nearby Hoenn to stop them.

The problem is that it is too strong and therefore Giovanni gets Mewtwo. He wants Mewtwo to be able to control Rayquaza. Then, he will use mega developments on them. The end of the deal would be to share: Rayquaza would go to Team Rocket and Mewtwo to Team Saturn. With Rayquaza, they would have the ultimate weapon through his power, and they could control the weather and create drought or flooding stress at will.

Giovanni objects! He says he does not want to hear the name of Mewtwo and declares with his training he became able to fight even legendary pokemons. Immediately after, you will find and make the two adversaries decided to confront you, but Giovanni says he wants to face you alone and he will beat you! After winning, you get the bus ticket 3. You find yourself in a house with the daughter of Koga, from Steel City, who came to your rescue. Koga then arrives in the home and ensure that you are well.
He tells you he heard a loud noise at the west.
Auditorium at Steel city kimono with the sisters (Johto): a room rune win.

So you hurry and go to Pirytown.
You take the jade bridge or a succession of trainers await you.
After Leaf and Brendan tell you that large waves raged over the city, Erika and Lt.
Surge were at the tournament and have seen the storm.
Surge said to you that jade cave is open and Team Rocket entered it.
You say that you are in charge, but he does not believe you are capable and wants to make sure of your strength.
He challenges you and offers a mega gem.
In the cave is Kyogre and TR Giovanni.
They try to unleash it to capture.
You watch helplessly the success of Giovanni while you take care of the admins.
Then, you go to help Blue at Kobalt Lake.
You get into the warehouse with a key, and there are grunts of the 2 teams.
When you get to Boss Giovanni and Kain, they challenge you, Peter and Mermaid arrive accompanied by Giovanni.
Leaf and you face them.
They fled leaving Prof.
Chen who tells you they go to Mont d'Or to trigger the arrival of Groudon.
Blue and Chen return to Kanto because they are too weak.
You go to the mountain (access unlocking script has the mountain).


Going to the south, you get to Kobalt City.

The foot of the mountain is inaccessible.
One of the stores includes full sales letter, another specializes in berries, another sells bicycles, and finally the herbalist who sells all herbs.
A villa is also available to buy ($ 500000pk).
A Red River Cascade and Mangan A shopping center (2nd of the island) and Blue are present.
Blue tells you he is going to go to the central island of the lake because he believes the rocket are going to Steel City.
You can challenge Morgan at the waterfront.
He offers a Mega gem.
Members of the league team help you.
You manage boss Kain who loses despite the fact that he just captured Groudon before your eyes.
Groudon and Kyogre are released by Giovanni who triggers the arrival of Rayquaza.
Giovanni uses a Master Ball recovered at Opal city.
Kain, then, releases the captured Rayquaza to use his Rayquazaite.
Giovanni challenges you.
You win, the bad guys go away and disperse in legendary places.
Giovanni has seen its Rayquazaite and Rayquaza while Leaf gives you the Mewtwoite that Kain had.

SCENARIO : The Way of the Shogun


World tournament : Chenal west to an island, Spruce Island, with its center in a room or place on PWT: the Tyranyt'arena.
Nothing special about the island except a few shops and a Pokémon Center.
We are told that ShinGoku and Shogun are rivals and still have the same number of wins and losses in their confrontations.
Leaving Jade Town westward via the channel, we arrive at Yellow Island, nothing but a healer in a house, ranchers, and the Hojo clan (Chateau Mirokarosu (Milotic)).

Fight Hojo to get your first sword and become a "Yari".

The village is on two islands.
We arrive at the Blue Island.
Presence of Fushigibana Iftown (Venusaur) (shimazu clan).
Presence of the Pokemon Center.
We go back to a "road to puddle" and crosses Ash Ketchum with his Pikachu, who trains exploiting the surrounding water.
He offers you a pass ferry to access the Ile Blanche / White Island.
Then, we arrive in Oak Town and ferry station.
The ferry takes you to the first snowy island of the game : White Island.

You come to the west of White Island, Pine Town, ferry station.
There is a mart and a Pokemon Center.
To the north is the forest and is a route to the frozen lake.
Arrival at The drill FirForest and Hamlet.
To the east, the Takeda clan and their castle called Bashamo (Blaziken).
North of the castle, the valley Yukino (Abomasnow).
Go through if you want to go to the Imagawa Clan Chateau Denryu (Ampharos) A victory unlocks access to Green Island, but you also move to the samurai hierarchy.
Arriving by northern island green at the ferry station, you see a PC and a Pokemart.
The village is Walnut Town.
Further south-west, Mapple Town inhabited by Prof Chen / Prof Oak.
East of Mapple Town is Elm Town.
Amidst the road stands a white mountain called Mount Elm.
We continue south to the capital of the archipelago: Mangan City and Mount Mangan.
Bus station and poke center + Pokemart + the castle of Emperor Shogun, the castle Bakufun (Typhlosion), but Shogun is absent at the moment because he went to Raichu power plant.
Also, the Dragonite tower / Kairyu Tower can be seen.
Climb Mount Mangan west to reach the cable car back down to Aspen City.
During your journey to the west, you'll be likely to find a small island to the north.
You must capture Heatran to complete this scenario.

After managing to cross to the other side of the mountain via the cable car, you reach a town cut in two: Aspen and Aspen Rock Lake, where you can find a house for sale but not very expensive.
To the north is a small castle belonging to the Uesugi Clan: Chateau Erureido (Gallade).
Your reward will be the title of "".
To the west is the suspended road and the Central Raichu.
Inside the latter, the Emperor finds you.
Once arrested, you are returning to his castle for a challenge.
We arrive at the last city, Usokki Town (Sudowoodo Town) with its Pokecenter and bus station. he G bus card is given to you by the Emperor in the final script, so you are forced to walk the other way.


We go to defy the emperor* who you defeated once and said that you are not emperor.
Indeed, to prove your talents to the people you need to capture the Pokemon symbol of Mangan islands: Heatran.
Once captured, you must go back to the emperor.

You then become official, Emperor .

-If you haven't fight in the last castle who is in Red town (explained in this walktrough), the guard will not disappear! 


Important note : This extension is a true open world.
In other words, you can go where you want at start and realize the scenario in the order you prefer.
However, the "main part" of the storylines is a linear/classic storylines.
In the conquest part, the objective is catching cities.
You need to finish the alternative story and the conquest part to start the chapter XI.


Shogun, when he designated you as Emperor learns a terrible news: He explains that the clan want to reverse time.
Your clan became very fragile and this is why the seven samurais on the islands for Sevii seek reinforcements.
He offers Lokh'pass then for you to visit the island Purple.
He added that one of his subordinates will explain what you need to know on the spot.
You board the green island ferry.
Once there, one of the seven samurais receives you, this is Max.
Max explains that this is a new area, h3ided into two, led by clan Date and that there is a system ferry.
Quick going on the main island.
Update your card to Mariville and vice versa.
Here the only language is the traditional language(=french).
He adds that the seven samurai and daimyo are to constitute your personal army and you must go with him on the main island.
Arrival in Mariville: you learn from Seven Samurai (two of them take you into a house) that access to the castle is blocked and that in any case you are not powerful enough to take control of it above.
They advise you to go to Bourg d'or Heatran which is a set of farms (farms tournegrins) protected by samurai Date.
He would like you to take possession of this point of control to impede the supply of the region and provide a port of call another samurai clan.
Simply beat the present samurais, one of them tells you he must inform the base to the west.
Bourg d'Heatran: You defeat samurai guarding farms.
The city is then released.


So you head west to Tarinopolis.
This city has an airport.
In the center of bled samurai clash and one of the seven (Masamune) tells you how to find house where the commander resides as he takes hostage a senior airline "Air Altaria".
You search the houses and there are bad guys that you face until you find the right villain.
When you find their commander, General Date Terumune, he battles you and loses, he decides to flee in shame.
The senior thanks you and hands you his card Altaria air allowing you to access the service.
With you can go to passerouge on corayon.
(You also receive the cool Berry) WARNING ! New transportation card system.
Now they are updated and so there is only one card.


North west access to the reserve Frisson : In this area carpets that capture enemy soldiers / poaching of protected species of Pokémon, you clear them off.
A thrill village, the reserve goalkeeper thanks you and hands you an egg from a shiny Pokemon (swablu).
The houses are destitute of their owner.
That's what you learn from two of the seven samurais at the entrance of the village.
That is your mission.
They make homes by removing residents.
Unfortunately wanting to do you, one on one with the General Jin Date.
You break her face and decided to inform the master of the clan.
You learn while their leader is called Masamune Date, it would be defeated once (according to legend) and shogun ShinGoku 1vs1vs1 in a duel.
Once defeated, he goes away and his troops follow.
One of the seven samurais (Max) then gives you a Pokegear and gives you the bay guard by the general robustness.
This device can join the other members of the seven groups.
The assault is launched on a northwest city: Metallocean.
The seven samurais tell you that this city could be a superb base for the clan if you capture.
So you go to the castle (unlocked access to the end of Act 1) and beat the General Date Muratoyo.
On leaving, the seven Samurais welcome you and update your maps (+ ferry flight) + offer beauty bay.
Suddenly the fog lifts, an earthquake occurs and you fight against Masamune Date.
You win and the fog dissipates.
You are then teleported in one of the houses of the city.
Shogun is watching you and asks if you are okay.
He tells you the prologue and Max intervenes and tells you it has been decided that the city would have your name in your honor.


The act begins at Mount Charmander/Salameche which is the unblocked access.
Before, a man blocked this place because the current was too strong.
Samurais are positioned on the island.
The seven samurais are scattered but Max is waiting downstairs with Musashi.
They tell you that above the Tower Charmander: a center of worship and a very symbolically important place for Pokemon.
A great battle takes place with many samurais.
You make your way to the top, but before entering, Leaf appears and begs you to stop what you are doing.
You do not save lives on the contrary you make war.
She apologizes and confronts you out of spite but obviously you win.
The samurai are furious and want to imprison but prefer to let fleeing.
You can then enter the tower and find there (only 1 floor) a general and Masamune Date (surprised arrival!).
Shogun bursts (in fact it is already in full waffle) and then undertakes a long dialogue with Date Masamune.
Date Masamune: You sold your place because you see new hope in this kid but see reality in the face, your clan is long dead.
Shogun: I have waited for this day for so many years, the day I will have my revenge.
There is an earthquake and a fight broke out between the two.
General Hideo Date defies you.
But you win.
Shogun is assisted by Seven Samurai (actually they will remain in the room and say you should approach them!) Do not take advantage.
Date nevertheless takes.
The mist disappears.
The city is captured and you receive the Grace Bay.


A Dracopolis capital Clan date, you need to storm the tower and Masamune Takano is fighting but there is nobody but minions.
Max teleports you to the summit at the exit and the mist rises.
You understand what this means and then you engage the fight and you win.
The mist disappears.
City is captured.
Name changed to [Player name].
You go to the puy Magmar, you climb up to the resort.
Inside is Blue, Ash Ketchum, .
and also ShinGoku! They are there with the seven samurais.
The seven samurais prevent forward and tells that Blue and Leaf told them everything and they came immediately with Ash to beg you to stop.
You refuse and face Ash.
You win.
So you are about to face Blue, ShinGoku appears and explains that this war will never cease.
Shogun knows and he sacrifices to his place.
He asks you to think about this.
You refuse, ShinGoku confronts you.
You win and when you want to face Blue, Max retains and directs you to hurry.
You go up to the next floor and beat up Masamune Date.
The owner of the station updates your pass air as gifts.


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